The Hearing on the issue of the Armenian mandate and its boundaries

at the U.S. Senate last debates of June 1, 1920


The U.S. Senate hold the final debates on the Armenian mandate and its boundaries on June 1, 1920. It discussed over the issues of capability to adopt the Armenian mandate, to ban the President W.Wilson against implementation of the substitute measures for mandate, to channel economic and military assistance into the Republic of Armenia, to collaborate with European Powers and the League of Nations in defence of Armenians, or to refer the entire subject back to its Committee on Foreign Relatiuons. The heated debates had revealed that the U.S. would prefer a wardship of the //-89 vast Ottoman area, except Cilicia, Syria and Mosul, rather than a mandate for the Republic of Armenia, Provinces of Van, Bitlis, Erzerum, Trebizond and the part of Georgia. The Senators had also discussed if the U.S. could exercise absolute sovereignty over the mandate zone. The rejection of the latter form of trusteeship had been correlated not only with military-poliitical, but even more with the economic and Russian factors. //-90